Wednesday, June 25, 2008

what i do when i get bord

so i was walking in the woods with my dad and little was a few minutes after it rained and i saw a worm drowning in a puddle. so instead of letting it suffer i decided to shoot it with a bb gun to put it out of its misery (if worms had a misery) after the deed was done i gave it a small worm funeral so it could R.I.P

note to self... do worms have a heaven???


Zodiac girls said...

My friend got shot in the rear and hip with a bb gun, and the bone might be broken. That was just one of my many weird stories, which I tell in my blog and many comments! So keep on writing!

Random Irregular said...

What is a bb gun?

I'd eaten the worm, if I was you. *slurp*

Zodiac girls said...

A BB gun is a two gun that shoots little pellets at things, very popular here in America...

Anonymous said...

in responce 2 random irregular yes if i hadnt shot it that would be my last choise


liltomboyblue11;) said...

R.I.P. Mr. Worm ........

fishbullet said...

in responce 2 liltomboyblue11 it was a quick death and saved him hours of drowing a miserable death

liltomboyblue11;) said...

That's great, but why didn't you just take him out? As fun as it is to shoot things, worms are awesome. You can disect (spelling?) them while they're still alive! We did so at school this year. You could (and should) have done that!

Anonymous said...

ummmm good 4 u liltomboyblue


liltomboyblue11;) said...

Ha ha, you remind me of someone I know...

fishbullet said...

who and where???
